Pax Shell

Pax Shell

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Pax Shell is under development and has not been released yet. For those willing to try it at this stage you may build it yourself or use the snapshot artifacts available in OPS4J maven snapshots repository

Pax Shell is an universal shell for OSGi, universal meaning that it can be used with any OSGi framework implementation of 4+ OSGi specifications. By using Pax Shell you will be able to use the same familiar shell commands and concepts across all OSGi framework implementations such as Felix, Equinox or Knopflerfish. You will no longer have to learn and remember how to perform a certain task depending on the framework of choice at a certain moment.

Pax Shell is an implementation of the upcoming OSGi 4.2 proposed specification of "Command Interface".

Besides offering a common way to interact with the OSGi framework, you can perform this interaction in diverse ways such as the usual console (as provided by all frameworks), via telnet, via a browser or even via a Jabber client such as Google Talk. And if none of this suits you, you can easily implement your own way of interacting with the shell.

And lets not forget that Pax Shell comes with a powerful shell language and adding a new command to the shell is just a breeze.

Other resources

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Source code

https://scm.ops4j.org/repos/ops4j/projects/pax/shell ( or browse via FishEye )
This project builds with Apache Maven and uses Apache Felix's maven-bundle-plugin, and Peter Krien's bnd tool.

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