Currently Pax VFS is in incubation stage. Some links bellow may not yet still work. Please come back later to checkout further development.
Pax VFS integrates Apache Commons VFS into OSGi. Here is an excerpt from the official Apache Commons VFS site:
Commons VFS provides a single API for accessing various different file systems. It presents a uniform view of the files from various different sources, such as the files on local disk, on an HTTP server, or inside a Zip archive.
- Pax VFS allows to dynamically register and unregister VFS providers (a VFS provider makes a specific filesystem available through the VFS APIs) in the OSGi registry.
- A secondary goal is to expose VFS providers as OSGi protocol handlers in order to leverage the rich set of existing filesystems implemented in VFS through standard OSGi URL APIs !
Issue tracker
Issues, bugs, and feature requests can be submitted to the issue tracking system.
System Requirements
Manual installation
[Pax Runner] installation
Source code ( or browse via FishEye )
This project builds with Apache Maven and uses Apache Felix's maven-bundle-plugin, and Peter Krien's bnd tool.