

Currently Pax VFS is in incubation stage. Some links bellow may not yet still work. Please come back later to checkout further development.

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Pax VFS integrates Apache Commons VFS into OSGi. Here is an excerpt from the official Apache Commons VFS site:

Commons VFS provides a single API for accessing various different file systems. It presents a uniform view of the files from various different sources, such as the files on local disk, on an HTTP server, or inside a Zip archive.


  1. Pax VFS allows to dynamically register and unregister VFS providers (a VFS provider makes a specific filesystem available through the VFS APIs) in the OSGi registry.
  2. A secondary goal is to expose VFS providers as OSGi protocol handlers in order to leverage the rich set of existing filesystems implemented in VFS through standard OSGi URL APIs !

Issue tracker

Issues, bugs, and feature requests can be submitted to the issue tracking system.

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System Requirements


Manual installation


[Pax Runner] installation


Source code

https://scm.ops4j.org/repos/ops4j/projects/pax/vfs ( or browse via FishEye )
This project builds with Apache Maven and uses Apache Felix's maven-bundle-plugin, and Peter Krien's bnd tool.

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