Pax RadMan
Pax RadMan
This is a page very much in progress, and Pax RadMan only exists on the drawing board and prototyping stages.
Pax RadMan is a Remote And Distributed Management solution for OSGi. It is comprising of a total concept, but leverages the Eclipse Monitoring project, which in turn uses JMX.
Pax RadMan has graphical user interface, through which one can manage one or many OSGi instances over a network.
Requirements & Features
- Install/Uninstall/Update Bundle
- Install/Uninstall/Update Bundle Group
- Create/Delete/Edit Bundle Group
- Bundle Group versioning
- Install JDK/JRE.
- Install OSGi runtime of choice.
- Install more than one OSGi platform per host.
- View/Start/Stop Bundles.
- View Services per Bundle.
- View/Edit service properties.
- Interact with Configuration Admin service.
- View package resolutions visually.
- Perform operations on multiple instances with single command.
- Grouping of hosts and OSGi instances and operations performed on the entire group.
- Multi-dimensional grouping.
- Script OSGi client interactions into command(groups) with e.g. Beanshell
- Schedule executable commands periodically or else (quartz)
- Select scope of a command(group) from the host view as e.g. an XPath expression in order to execute them upon many hosts