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    IoC with Felix Dependency Manager

    Documentation on Inversion of Control (IoC) within OSGi with Felix Dependency Manager

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    Configuring Pax Logging

    This article explains several different ways of configuring Pax Logging.

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    Getting the benefits of maven-bundle-plugin in other project types

    Explains how to get the benefits of the maven-bundle-plugin in projects with different packaging than "bundle", for example "war.

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    Fine granularity in Bundles

    Bundle granularity is probably one of the most debated topics in the OSGi community. Niclas Hedhman here gives his views why he thinks bundles should have very fine granularity and that the build and deploy tools has to step up and fill the gaps.

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    Model with Immutable objects

    David Leangen explains how to set up a business model which only utilizes immutable objects, which drastically simplifies persistence, validation and testability.


  • Presentation for the Oredev 2005 by Peter Neubauer and Andreas Ronge, revised by Niclas Hedhman.