Basic Configuration

The following is a list with basic configuration properties that can be used to customize Pax Web. If not specified otherwise, the property is available since Pax Web - 0.2.0 (first version).


This property specifies the port used for servlets and resources accessible via HTTP. Default value for this property is 8080.
You can specify a value of 0 (zero), if you wish to allow Pax Web to automatically determine a free port to use for HTTP access.

This property specifies the port used for servlets and resources accessible via HTTPS. Default value for this property is 8443.
You can specify a value of 0 (zero), if you wish to allow Pax Web to automatically determine a free port to use for HTTPS access.


This property specifies if the HTTP is enabled. If "true" the support for HTTP access will be enabled. If "false" the support for HTTP access will be disabled. Default value is "true".

This property specifies if the HTTPS is enabled. If "true" the support for HTTPS access will be enables. If "false" the support for HTTPS access will be disabled. Default value is "false".


This property specifies if the connections established use the nio classes from java. If "true" connections are established using NIO, if "false" connections are established the standard way.


A temporary directory that can be accessed via the servlet context attribute with the same name. If not set a default temporary directory wil be created and used.
(info) Since Pax Web - 0.2.2.


The number of minutes after which an inactive session will timeout.
(info) Since Pax Web - 0.2.2.


This property specifies the comma separated list of addresses used to provide servlets and resources via HTTP
(e.g. localhost or localhost, Host names or IP addresses can be used. Default value is "".
(info) Since Pax Web - 0.5.0.


Session cookie name.
From Jetty documentation:
Defaults to JSESSIONID.

(info) Since Pax Web - 0.6.1.


Session URL.
From Jetty documentation:
Defaults to jsessionid. If set to null or "none" no URL rewriting will be done

(info) Since Pax Web - 0.6.1.

Sets worker name for use with Apache mod_proxy_balancer sticky sessions.
Defaults to null.

(info) Since Pax Web - 0.6.1.


Configures where to look for an external configuration file for the underlying web container (e.g. Jetty).

(info) Since Pax Web - 0.8.0.


Sets the format for logging access logs

org.ops4j.pax.web.log.ncsa.format = /yyyy_mm_dd.request.log

(info) Since Pax Web - 1.1.0.


org.ops4j.pax.web.log.ncsa.retainDays = 90

(info) Since Pax Web - 1.1.0.


org.ops4j.pax.web.log.ncsa.append = true/false

(info) Since Pax Web - 1.1.0.


org.ops4j.pax.web.log.ncsa.extended = true/false

(info) Since Pax Web - 1.1.0.


org.ops4j.pax.web.log.ncsa.LogTimeZone= GMT

(info) Since Pax Web - 1.1.0.
