Change Log
Release Notes - Pax Web - Version 0.6.0 (April 11, 2009)
- New Feature
- PAXWEB-126 - Pax Web should find a free port and use it
- PAXWEB-133 - Support BundleContext as an Servlet Context attribute
- PAXWEB-134 - Support Spring DM Web required servlet context attributes
- Improvement
- PAXWEB-124 - Name of OSGi Symbolic bundle is incorrect related to maven artifact name
- PAXWEB-127 - Propagate configuration properties to service properties
- PAXWEB-128 - Use Jasper version 6.0.18 for JSP support
- Bug
- PAXWEB-129 - ServletContext.getResourcePaths() does not work
- Task
- PAXWEB-131 - Upgrade to jetty 6.1.16
- PAXWEB-132 - Need a release of 0.5.3 for apache sling
Release Notes - Pax Web - Version 0.5.2 (February 16, 2009)
- Bug
- PAXWEB-110 - Welcome files do not work
- PAXWEB-116 - Distribution licenses of bundled software are violated
- PAXWEB-119 - WelcomeFile Failure
- PAXWEB-121 - Mime type not set when HttpContext returns a valid mime type
- Improvement
- PAXWEB-112 - Provide a direct support for Servlet Name when registering Servlets
- PAXWEB-118 - Pax Web should import/export org.osgi.service.http package
- PAXWEB-120 - Do not fail a resource request if url connection's getContentType() fails
- PAXWEB-122 - Return 403 (forbidden) error code for a resource request that maps to a directory
- New Feature
- PAXWEB-117 - Allow to configure Jetty using jetty.xml
- Task
- PAXWEB-109 - Upgrade to jetty 6.1.12
- PAXWEB-111 - Upgrade to jetty 6.1.14
Release Notes - Pax Web - Version 0.5.1 (September 24, 2008)
- Bug
- PAXWEB-100 - Wrong version exported for javax.el package
- PAXWEB-102 - Return 404 on resource not found
- PAXWEB-104 - Multiple ContextModels Can Be Created Within RegisterWelcomeFiles and RegisterJsps Calls
- PAXWEB-105 - WelcomeFileFilter Does Not Always Check Correct Path
- PAXWEB-106 - Fix concurrent access error within ServerControllerImpl's m_listeners
- PAXWEB-107 - Implement getRealPath() within the HttpServiceContext.SContext class in order to support existing servlets
- Improvement
- PAXWEB-99 - Use Jasper version 6.0.16 for JSP support
- PAXWEB-101 - Use NIO based SelectChannelConnector for the Jetty Server
Release Notes - Pax Web - Version 0.5.0 (July 02, 2008)
- Bug
- Improvement
- PAXWEB-94 - Add WebContainer.setSessionTimeout
- New Feature
- Task
Release Notes - Pax Web - Version 0.4.1 (April 01, 2008)
- Bug
- PAXWEB-87 - NPE when registering a web element (e.g. servlet) with a default http context (http context == null)
Release Notes - Pax Web - Version 0.4.0 (April 01, 2008)
- Bug
- PAXWEB-80 - Should not be possible to register a servlet/resource with a HttpContext from different bundles
- PAXWEB-82 - Registration methods are not atomic
- PAXWEB-83 - ServletContext.getResource("/") should return root of bundle
- PAXWEB-84 - NPE after a web app (bundle) is stopped
- PAXWEB-85 - Cannot find version 2.3 of web-app DTD
- Improvement
- PAXWEB-76 - Provide a Pax Web OSGi bundle that depends upon the Jetty 6 provided OSGi bundles
- PAXWEB-77 - Upgrade to latest version of jetty: 6.1.8
- PAXWEB-78 - Create a Pax Web bundle that does not embed jetty
- PAXWEB-79 - Use version 0.2.0 of Pax Swissbox
- PAXWEB-81 - Improve synchronization in ServerModel
Release Notes - Pax Web - Version 0.3.1 (January 28, 2008)
- Bug
Release Notes - Pax Web - Version 0.3.0 (January 28, 2008)
- Bug
- Improvement
- New Feature
- PAXWEB-63 - Add support for context parameters
- PAXWEB-64 - Support setting of servlet name
- PAXWEB-65 - Support setting of filter name
- PAXWEB-66 - Add support for context naming
- PAXWEB-68 - Allow multiple url patterns for servlet registration
- PAXWEB-69 - Add support for error pages
- PAXWEB-70 - Add JSP support
- PAXWEB-71 - Add support for welcome files
- Task
- PAXWEB-72 - Remove HttpServiceConfigurer. ! Incompatible change
Release Notes - Pax Web - Version 0.2.3 (December 23, 2007)
- Bug
- PAXWEB-59 - Substring request path matching does not work with multiple context in 0.2.2
- Improvement
- PAXWEB-48 - Handle concurent registrations and unregistration
- New Feature
- PAXWEB-57 - Support Servlet Filters via ExtendedHttpService
Release Notes - Pax Web - Version 0.2.2 (December 14, 2007)
- Bug
- PAXWEB-43 - Disable prompt when ssl password not set
- PAXWEB-49 - Servlet spec requires an ServletContext attribute named "javax.servlet.context.tempdir"
- PAXWEB-51 - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.slf4j.Logger when not using Pax Logger
- PAXWEB-52 - Pax-Web doesn't correctly handle file: URLs for the javax.servlet.context.tempdir property
- PAXWEB-54 - OSGi TCK test failure: Verification of authentication under handleSecurity()
- PAXWEB-55 - OSGi TCK test failure: Verification of ServletContext sharing
- Improvement
- New Feature
- PAXWEB-50 - support adding HttpSessionListeners and setting session timeouts
- Task
Release Notes - Pax Web - Version 0.2.1 (October 07, 2007)
- Bug
- Improvement
- Task
Release Notes - Pax Web - Version 0.2.0 (July 03, 2007)
- First release