Pax Exam - 1.2.0
Pax Exam - 1.2.0
Unknown macro: {zone-template-instance}
Unknown macro: {zone-data}
Unknown macro: {zone-data}
October 28, 2009
Unknown macro: {zone-data}
Feature Release of the 1.x branch which is available on Maven Central.
Main features are:
- Native TinyBundles Support
- Test Probe now shields its contents completely (important bugfix)
- Maven3 Compatibility
- Equinox Debug Classloading Support
- Support of latest Felix and Equinox versions (2.0.1 and 3.5.1)
A special note worth is a custom distribution of the pax exam platform made by Luminis guys: http://opensource.luminis.net/wiki/display/OSGITEST/OSGi+testing+framework optimized for testing specification compliance for different frameworks.
Incompatible Changes
As part of http://issues.ops4j.org/browse/PAXEXAM-127 the OSGi compendium bundle is not part of the default stack anymore. Instead you need to supply them of your own.
The easiest way to archive this is adding the following (new) option to your configuration:
import static org.ops4j.pax.exam.container.def.PaxRunnerOptions.*; .. @Configuration public static Option[] configure() { return options( .. compendiumProfile() .. ); }
For a full list of changes see below.
Unknown macro: {zone-data}
jiraissues: com.atlassian.confluence.extra.jira.exception.JiraIssueMacroException: com.atlassian.confluence.macro.MacroExecutionException: Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.