Pax Exam - 1.1.0

Pax Exam - 1.1.0

Unknown macro: {zone-template-instance}
Unknown macro: {zone-data}


Unknown macro: {zone-data}

August 24, 2009

Unknown macro: {zone-data}

Feature Release of the 1.x branch which is available on Maven Central.
Main features are:

Specially for Windows user having trouble with repitive executions, PAXEXAM-112 fixes a regression in shutdown behaviour and also provides some additional checking for sanity of the environment.

Unknown macro: {zone-data}
jiraissues: com.atlassian.confluence.extra.jira.exception.JiraIssueMacroException: com.atlassian.confluence.macro.MacroExecutionException: Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.