Tutorial 1: Starting from Zero by Toni Menzel
Putting OSGi to the Test with Pax Exam by Craig Walls
Pax Exam is a testing toolkit that addresses the need for bundle-level testing. What's particularly interesting about Pax Exam is how it works. When a Pax Exam test is run, it starts an OSGi framework, installs and starts a selection of bundles, and then makes an OSGi BundleContext available through which you can make assertions about your bundles, the services that they publish, and the effects that they have on each other.
Testing OSGi Bundles with Pax Exam, Groovy and Gradle by Hamlet D'Arcy
So what was I to do with Pax Exam? This framework allows you to write JUnit or TestNG tests and then executes them in the OSGi container of your choosing. It's a cool framework but much of the documentation assumes a willingness to scroll through lines and lines of Maven XML. Ugh. Life's too short to grapple with build systems.
So the nut is cracked. I've got Groovy unit tests running across Equinox, Felix, and Knopflerfish from both Gradle and IntelliJ IDEA. No Maven in sight.