

Starting with version 0.7.0 had been refactored into more artifacts (bundles, in order to provide better modularity. Also, additional bundles are present due to merging of Pax Web Extender.

If you are using a Pax Web version before 0.7.0 please refer to Artifacts (before 0.7.0).


This artifact contains Pax Web API which are the classes that are added in extension to standard HTTP Service. This is the only artifact you should depend, at compile time, if you are in need of Pax Web extensions.


This artifact contains the interfaces that should be implemented by a service provider wishing to provide an alternative implementation that is not Jetty based. The Jetty artifact implements this SPI in order to be used by [Pax Web Runtime|#pax-web-runtime}.


This artifact is the core of Pax Web (the engine if you like so). It implements the API and will make use of an SPI, such as Jetty in order to fulfill is job.


This artifact contains Pax Web JSP support based on Jasper. It is an optional component that will be used by runtime if present. If you do not use JSPs in your project you can leave this artifact out of your deployment setup.


This artifact is the Jetty based implementation of SPI. This artifact does not include Jetty, so you will have to deploy Jetty along by yourself. The reason behind not including Jetty is to allow you to make your choice about the version of Jetty to be used, as for example, in case that a new version of Jetty is available and you are in need to use it.


This artifact is a convenience artifact that bundles together most of the artifacts above plus a version of jetty. This in order to make your deployment easier. It includes the following: #pax-web-api, #pax-web-spi, #pax-web-runtime, #pax-web-jetty and necessary jetty bundles. Basically, if you deploy this bundle you are good to go without any additional bundles (beside the jsp or extenders that you should deploy as you need).


This artifact is the implementation of Pax Web WAR Extender and should be included in case that you want to deploy WAR files into the OSGi framework.


This artifact is the implementation of Pax Web Whiteboard Extender and should be included if you wish to publish your web elements simply by registering them as a service.
