Blog from September, 2007

Starting with today Pax Web has SSL (https) support.
An example can be found in the Pax Web Sample - Department Store.

Pax Web version 0.2.1-SNAPSHOT is now deployed to snapshots repository for those that do not want to build it by themselves.
To use it use the following dependency:


and the following repository:

  <name>The OPS4J Snapshot Repository</name>

First version (0.1.0) of Pax Web Extender has been released.


Pax Web Extender

In the latest version of Pax-Construct I make heavy use of other maven plugins and often need to extend them with additional features or modify their behaviour. Because plexus relies on Javadoc tags to calculate the plugin metadata, you normally can't extend mojos without having the source available locally. So I developed the 'maven-inherit-plugin' which merges the local plugin metadata with metadata from any extended plugin mojos.

Here's an snippet from Pax-Construct where I extend the eclipse plugin to add improved support for OSGi bundles:

 * @extendsPlugin eclipse
 * @goal eclipse
 * @phase package
public class EclipseOSGiMojo extends EclipsePlugin
    // etc...
Pax ConfMan 0.2.0 Released

Pax ConfMan consists of implementations of OSGi Configuration Admin agents, and the first release was made today. It consists of a "Properties Loader", which will populate the Configuration object from a properties file. It requires a Configuration Admin service to be present in the system. Feedback will be appreciated. Report any problems to

Pax Logging 0.9.6 Released

OPS4J is proud to have taken one more small step towards the best logging system for OSGi, and released the 0.9.6 version. The important changes includes the change of artifactId to include "pax-logging", and that Log4J is now correctly informed about the stack composition so the "Location" format attribute shows up correctly.

System properties (ala old runner) are now supported. See jira issues bellow and updated wiki documentation for File Scanner and Maven POM Scanner.

Las week was dedicated to maintenance work on Pax Runner so there were not to many additions. Still to mention a few:

  • Maven POM Scanner was implemented, yet not supporting pax:schema additions to pom files. If you have a pom as in the old runner just pass it in using maven protocol (mvn:group/artifact/version/pom);
  • Names of the modules are now including "pax-runner-";
  • Maven poms are now prepared for an eventual release;
  • Wrap protocol syntax has changed;
  • A new safety check on the cached bundles was added to avoid cases of a failing download.

Good news: Pax Runner is out for a day now and was already integrated in the upcoming Pax Construct.
Beside that Wrap Protocol prove it's value as there was necessary in Felix / Knopflerfish to have a bundle that exported OSGi Compendium packages and was none available in a maven repo. So, using wrap:mvn:org.osgi/osgi_R4_compendium/1.0!classpath:META-INF/platform/org.osgi.compendium.1.0.bnd did the job.


If you don't know what wrap:mvn:commons-logging/commons-logging/1.1 does you better read Wrap Protocol (smile)
Implemented, but not yet not fully tested. Maybe you can help on testing?

Knopflerfish is here

If your were wondering how long it will take to implement Knopflerfish platform in the new runner, the answer is simple: less then 2 hours.

Pax Runner 0.3.5 Released

The Pax Runner 0.3.5 was released today, and marks the end of the development of that branch. The next version of Pax Runner (0.5.0) will be based on a new codebase, which has been brought into /projects/pax/runner already for those who want to try it out. See the documentation of the new Pax Runner for more information on usage. Expect a release of 0.5.0 within a couple of weeks.

Status by night

Today was the maintenance days for runner so not to many new features was added. Worth mentioning is the overwrite option that lets you control if you wanna use the cached bundles (from a previous run) or overwrite them with a fresh version. You can also download a snapshot version without building it yourself.

Runner NG is now prepared to take the place of the current runner as soon as version 0.3.5 goes out.


Felix does not support a clean option. But Pax Runner does!, on Felix behalf.