Pax Web Extender - Whiteboard

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Starting with May 25, 2009 Pax Web Extender has been merged into Pax Web.
The following information is only valid for versions before and including 0.5.1.

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Pax Web Extender Whiteboard is an extender bundle that ease the pain of registering servlets, resources, filters and listeners and keeping track of Http Service availability.
Note that the extender does not mandatory work with Pax Web, it can work with any Http Service implementation.

Keeping track of Http Service availability

There are many situations that you have to handle as a bundle developer to keep track of http service availability:

  • The Http Service is not present
  • The Http Service gets started after your bundle starts
  • The service gets unregister during the lifetime of your servlet
  • A new service gets registered

Pax Web Extender handles all of this cases for you. You just have to have a servlet

How does it work:

  1. Publish your web elements using one of the methods bellow;
  2. Start the Pax Web Extender bundle. It does not matter if the Extender starts before or after you bundle or if is not even installed by the time your bundle starts.

What Extender will do:

  1. Once it starts it will find out all published web elements;
  2. Once a http service become available (including the moment when Extender starts) it will register all the published web elements;
  3. If the in use http service gets unregister it will automatically unregister the (already) registered web elements;
  4. If you register a web element as a service it will register it automatically with the http service in use (if any);
  5. If you unregister a web element it will unregister it automatically from the http service (if was registered before);
  6. If you stop your bundle all registered web elements are automatically unregister

How does it help on servlet registration

Usually you will have to register servlets by getting an http service and registering each servlet you have with the http service.
By using the whiteboard approach you will just have to register each servlet that you expect to be published to an http service under the Servlet interface (see in jira):

Dictionary props = new Hashtable();
props.put( "alias", "/whiteboard" );
props.put("servlet-name", "My Servlet");
bundleContext.registerService( Servlet.class.getName(), new MyServlet(), props );

This is all you have to do to register a servlet. As you can see there is no necessity to lookup a http service or to track it's availability.

Nice to know: your bundle will not have to import/depend on Http Service packages.

Note: Registering with Servlet names becomes necessary if you want to register a Filter against it. See below.

How does it help on resource registration

Usually you will have to register resources by getting an http service and registering each resource dir you have with the http service.
By using the whiteboard approach you will just have to register each resource dir that you expect to be published to an http service under the Resources class (see in jira):

import org.ops4j.pax.web.extender.whiteboard.ResourceMapping;
import org.ops4j.pax.web.extender.whiteboard.runtime.DefaultResourceMapping;
DefaultResourceMapping resourceMapping = new DefaultResourceMapping();
resourceMapping.setAlias( "/whiteboardresources" );
resourceMapping.setPath( "/images" );
bundleContext=bundleContext.registerService( ResourceMapping.class.getName(), resourceMapping, null );

Don't forget to import org.ops4j.pax.web.extender.whiteboard package.

This is all you have to do to register resources. As you can see there is no necesity to lookup a http service or to track it's availablity. The resources are served upon exact match, so listing directories in this fashion is not supported right now.

Note: your bundle must import org.ops4j.pax.web.extender.whiteboard package.

How does it help on filter registration

Filters can be registered against URL Patterns and/or against Servlets (identified using their names).

Dictionary props = new Hashtable();
String[] urls = {"/foo", "/protected"};
String[] servlets = {"My Servlet", "Faces Servlet"};
props.put("filter-name", "My Crazy Filter");
props.put("urlPatterns", urls);
props.put("servletNames", servlets);
bundleContext.registerService(Filter.class.getName(), new MyCrazyFilter(), props );


  1. For URL Patterns, the pattern registered must be already mapped, either as Resource or a Servlet alias - e.g there should already be a Resource or aServlet registered to the path /foo.
  2. For Servlet names, the names used should have been the name that has been explicitly given to the Servlet (as servlet-name), when registering.

How does it help on listener registration


Web elements

By web elements we mean any of http context, servlet, resources, filter, listener.

Other resources

Issue tracker

Issues, bugs, and feature requests can be submitted to the issue tracking system.

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System requirements

  • any OSGI R4 compilant framework
  • (optional) any Http Service Implementation or [Pax Web] (if you need the extended functionality: context, filters, listeners)

Manual installation

[Pax Runner] installation

pax-run mvn:org.ops4j.pax.web-extender/pax-web-ex-whiteboard

Source code ( or browse via FishEye )
This project builds with Apache Maven and uses Apache Felix's maven-bundle-plugin, and Peter Krien's bnd tool.

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Pax Web Extender 0.4.0 has been released.
This release highlights are:

  • support for JSP registration, servlet registration using url patterns mapping, setting of session timeout (latest features of Pax Web)
  • bug fixes

Checkout release notes for details.

Pax Web Extender 0.2.0 has been released. Checkout the change log page for details.
Documentation about using the new feature will follow soon.

For users of version 0.1.0, please pay attention to the fact that package names, symbolic name, maven groupId/artifactId has been changed in order to accommodate future additions. Sorry for inconvenience.

First version (0.1.0) of Pax Web Extender has been released.


Pax Web Extender