Pax Web Extender - Change Log
Release Notes - Pax Web Extender - Version 0.5.1 (April 11, 2009)
- Improvement
- PAXWEBEX-39 - Make use of the new WebContainerContext to allow tags discovery in WEB-INF/tags
- Bug
- PAXWEBEX-36 - Pax Web Extender Whiteboard 0.5.0 throws NullPointerException on ServletTracker.createWebElement
- PAXWEBEX-37 - ConcurrentModificationException in ExtenderContext.bundleStopped
- Task
- PAXWEBEX-38 - Use version 0.6.0 of Pax Web
Release Notes - Pax Web Extender - Version 0.5.0 (February 16, 2009)
- Bug
- PAXWEBEX-28 - Stop and start for bundle with servlet gets Http service has already been stopped
- PAXWEBEX-34 - Filter chain is performed in the incorrect order
- Improvement
- PAXWEBEX-29 - Provide a support for named Servlet for Whiteboard registration
- PAXWEBEX-30 - Allow filter registration against a Servlet name
- PAXWEBEX-31 - Allow initParams to be registered with Servlet and Filter registration
- PAXWEBEX-33 - Change name of FilterMapping.getServletAliases method to getServletNames
- Task
- PAXWEBEX-32 - Use version 0.5.2 of Pax Web
Release Notes - Pax Web Extender - Version 0.4.0 (July 25, 2008)
- Bug
- PAXWEBEX-15 - ServletContext.getResource("/") should return root of bundle
- PAXWEBEX-17 - Servlets registered by whiteboard have incorrect context class loader
- PAXWEBEX-22 - Filters registered by whiteboard have incorrect context class loader
- PAXWEBEX-23 - Listeners registered by whiteboard have incorrect context class loader
- PAXWEBEX-24 - JSPs registered by whiteboard have incorrect context class loader
- PAXWEBEX-25 - Whitespace around class names in web.xml fails to find class
- Improvement
- PAXWEBEX-14 - Whiteboard extender should track also HttpServlets
- New Feature
- PAXWEBEX-19 - Support Jsp registration
- PAXWEBEX-20 - Support servlet registration using url patterns mapping
- PAXWEBEX-26 - Support setting of session timeout
- Task
- PAXWEBEX-16 - Use version 0.2.0 of Pax Swissbox
- PAXWEBEX-21 - Use version 0.4.1 of Pax Web
- PAXWEBEX-27 - Use version 0.5.0 of Pax Web
Release Notes - Pax Web Extender - Version 0.3.0 (January 28, 2008)
- New Feature
- PAXWEBEX-3 - Support standard war deployment
Release Notes - Pax Web Extender - Version 0.2.0 (December 26, 2007)
- Bug
- PAXWEBEX-5 - ConcurrentModificationException at AbstractTracker.available
- Improvement
- PAXWEBEX-11 - Share the same HttpContexts between all registrations from the same bundle
- New Feature
- PAXWEBEX-8 - Support servlet Filters registration
- PAXWEBEX-9 - Support servlet EventListeners registration
- PAXWEBEX-10 - Support HttpContext registration and usage into servlet/resource/filter/listener registration
- Task
- PAXWEBEX-7 - Change build structure according to other pax projects. !!!Maven groupId changed to org.ops4j.pax.web-extender
- PAXWEBEX-12 - Change artifact id to pax-web-ex-whiteboard & symbolic name to org.ops4j.pax.web.extender.whiteboard
Release Notes - Pax Web Extender - Version 0.1.0 (September 24, 2007)
- First release