Getting started

Starting up

Once you have installed Pax Runner you can use the following command to start Pax Runner:


In case that you are using java 1.4 you will have to use


This will start up Pax Runner with default options and with no provisioning.


pax-run command can take any number of parameters where a parameter can be an option or a provisioning spec. Pax Runner will consider as option any parameter that starts with --, The rest (not starting with --) will be considered provisioning specs.
Here is an example:

pax-run --platform=equinox --clean http://foo/bar.jar

In this example there are:

  • two options:
    • --platform=equinox is an option where platform is the name of the option and equinox is the value
    • --clean is also a logical (boolean) option where clean is the name and the value is by default true
  • one provisioning spec http://foo/bar.jar

The provisioning specs and options can be specified in any order and can be mixed. For example the following is similar to the example before:

pax-run --clean http://foo/bar.jar --platform=equinox

(warning) DOS/Windows users have to enclose every option that contains an equal ("=") between quotes ("). Check FAQ for details. So, if you are a DOS/Windows user, for the example above , you will have to use:

pax-run "--platform=equinox" --clean http://foo/bar.jar