Everyone is by default granted Active Member upon registration. In Open Source projects, this is also known as committership or committer status. We want to make it clear that it is not a merit and not earned, it is a state of a person within our community. Such state comes and goes with the activity of the person in question.
You become Active Member as soon as you register on our Jira system. The same registration will update the subversion authorization and password system, as well as the Wiki and Contineous Integration one. Same name and password everywhere. Please observe that we want your email address as the user name, and we are likely to tie in the mailing list subscription to that registration as well.
Granting of Licensing
Committers automatically grants all users of their contribution an Apache License version 2.0. See Licensing for more details.
Additional Checkout
As an Active member of our community you will need to do the additional checkout;
This directory contains additional licenses that only "so called committers" are granted by donating companies. It will also contain information that the general public should not have access to (yet to be determined).
Coding Style
We have an slowly evolving coding style that we require developers to follow as good as they can. We are constantly trying to perfect the Checkstyle that will help us keep this at most times.
Losing Active Member Status
Active Member status is lost for any of the following reasons;
- Inactivity. If you don't participate (after all this is OpenParticipationSoftware) over a period of 6 months, you are no longer considered an Active Member, and the infrastructure team may remove the authorization. However, it is equally easy to become Active Member again, just register or ask for a new password here: .
- Abuse, mischievous behaviour, unethical conduct and other behaviours that are not accepted by the other Active members in the community. First time the ban will last 3 months, second time 1 year, there after permanently.