Pax Swissbox

Pax Swissbox is a set of utilities targeting OSGi and the project emerged as means for re-usage within Pax projects.
But, as Pax Swissbox artifacts are generic, they can be reused outside Pax projects.

In order to minimize dependencies and improve modularity Pax Swissbox is split in very fine grained bundles that you can use individually. Pax Swissbox artifacts are meant to be embedded (wrapped) in your bundle (easy to achieve using Maven Bundle Plugin) but you can use them as standalone bundles.

Latest News

Pax Swissbox 1.8.3 released

Pax Swissbox 1.8.3 is a maintenance release including a bugfix related to PAXEXAM-740 - Getting issue details... STATUS , and some clean up.

This is also the first release of swissbox actually made by a swiss.. (wink) For more details, see the JIRA release notes below.

As usual, all artifacts will be available shortly from Maven Central.

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

Any feedback is welcome, either on the mailing list ( or via the issue tracker.

Pax Swissbox 1.6.1 released

Pax Swissbox 1.6.1 is a maintenance release including a single bugfix.

For more details, see the JIRA release notes below.

As usual, all artifacts will be available shortly from Maven Central.

Changes since 1.6.0

type key summary

Any feedback is welcome, either on the mailing list ( or via the issue tracker.

Pax Swissbox 1.8.2 Released

Pax Swissbox 1.8.2 is a maintenance release including a single bugfix.

For more details, see the JIRA release notes below.

As usual, all artifacts are available from Maven Central.

Changes since 1.8.1

type key summary

Any feedback is welcome, either on the mailing list ( or via the issue tracker.