Bundle Validation Process

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Bundle Validation

This option is only available starting with release 1.2.0 of Pax Runner.
Pax Runner has a very simple process of validation that the jars to be provisioned are OSGi bundles. During this process it checks for the mandatory OSGi manifest attribute Bundle-SymbolicName. If this is not present the provisioning will by default fail. This behavior can be controlled via --bundleValidation option.

To enable bundle validation (default behavior):

pax-run --bundleValidation

To disable bundle validation:

pax-run --noBundleValidation

Skip Invalid Bundles From Provisioning

This option is only available starting with release 1.2.0 of Pax Runner.
If you would still want Pax Runner to perform the validation but to not provision those artifacts that are not valid OSGi bundles you can use the *--skipInvalidBundles option. If this is specified Pax Runner will perform the validation explained above and if it will find out that the bundle is invalid it will not fail the provision process but skip the failing bundle form provisioning.
Note that this option is only used in case that the bundle validation is enabled (see above option).

To skip invalid bundles use:

pax-run --skipInvalidBundles

or the shorter version:

pax-run --sib