An OSGi JPA Service Implementation
- Pax JPA implements the OSGi JPA Service according to the OSGi Enterprise Release 5 specification. (The JPA chapter is still at version 1.0 and thus unchanged from earlier specification releases.)
- Pax JPA provides a generic extender which registers an
service on behalf of any JPA 2.0 or 2.1 provider with an OSGi manifest. This is just a small add-on on top of Eclipselink, OpenJPA or Hibernate. - Pax JPA supports load-time enhancement of entity classes.
- Pax JPA supports JNDI names for data sources, avoid hard-coded connection properties in the persistence unit descriptor.
Latest News
Pax JPA 0.3.0 contains a number of new features, bugfixes and dependency upgrades.
- Support for JPA 2.0 and 2.1 persistence.xml.
- Data source lookup from JNDI
- Karaf features
- Regression tests on Felix
As usual, Pax JPA artifacts are available from Maven Central.
Changes since 0.2.0
Pax JPA 0.2.0 adds Hibernate to the list of supported persistence providers and includes a first test for JPA 2.1 with Hibernate 4.3.5. In addition, there are some dependency upgrades.
As usual, Pax JPA artifacts are available from Maven Central.
Changes since 0.1.1
Pax JPA 0.1.1 is a bugfix release which fixes a race condition with other extenders (e.g. Pax CDI).
As usual, Pax JPA artifacts are available from Maven Central.
Changes since 0.1.0
Pax JPA is a new OPS4J community project which implements the OSGi JPA Service specification.
The implementation is based on a generic extender which registers an EntityManagerFactoryBuilder
service on behalf of any JPA 2.0 provider with an OSGi manifest. This approach works with OpenJPA out of the box, Eclipselink requires a tiny adapter.
Pax JPA supports load-time enhancement of entity classes, dynamically importing any required additional packages by weaving hooks, to avoid tying a persistence bundle to a given persistence provider.
The first public release Pax JPA 0.1.0 is now available from Maven Central.