For a much improved version of the TestNG driver, you should upgrade to Pax Exam 3.x.

Pax Exam >= 2.3.0

Since Pax Exam 2.3.0, there is a TestNG driver which is rather limited compared to vanilla TestNG, but still equivalent to the functionaliy of the JUnit driver in previous Pax Exam releases.

Here is an example of what you can do with the current Pax Exam release:

public class SampleTest {

    private BundleContext bc;

    public Option[] config1() {
       // ...

    public Option[] config2() {
       // ...

    public void test1() {
       // ...

    public void test2() {
       // ...

    public void test3() {
       // ...

Points to note

You currently need to provision TestNG explicitly:

mavenBundle("org.testng", "testng", "6.3.1"),

Pax Exam <= 2.2.0

Pax Exam 2.2.0 does not support TestNG. Please upgrade to the current release or use the JUnit Driver instead.