Artifacts (before 0.7.0)

Pax Web comes in two flavors starting with version 0.4.0 up to version 0.6:

  • pax-web-service
  • pax-web-bundle


This artifact is the actual implementation of Pax Web and does not embed any required external packages from Jetty or Servlet API. It is useful to use this artifact when you want to be able to use a Jetty/Servlet version other then the one embed with pax-web-service (see bellow).

Released artifacts are available at
You can provision pax-web-bundle via Pax Runner:

pax-run mvn:org.ops4j.pax.web/pax-web-bundle mvn:org.mortbay.jetty/jetty/6.1.7 mvn:org.mortbay.jetty/jetty-util/6.1.7 mvn:org.mortbay.jetty/servlet-api-2.5/6.1.7

You can see that you have to provision also jetty and Servlet API bundles (in this example version 6.1.7).


This artifact is a convenience bundle that embeds the artifacts required by Pax Web (Jetty and Servlet API), so you can deploy only one bundle instead of 4 (Pax Web requires Jetty, Jetty Utils and Servlet API). The packages of embedded artifacts are also exported as you may need them.

Released artifacts are available at
You can provision pax-web-service via Pax Runner:

pax-run mvn:org.ops4j.pax.web/pax-web-service

As you can see that no Jetty / Servlet API bundles are required.
