Property name | Property value | since | Containers | Meaning |
pax.exam.glassfish.config.dir | file path | 3.0.0 | Embedded GlassFish | Directory containing configuration data to be copied to the GlassFish domain configuration directory. The default value is src/test/resources/glassfish-config. |
pax.exam.glassfish.config.overwrite | false | 3.0.0 | Hybrid GlassFish | If true, an existing domain.xml configuration file in the GlassFish installation is overwritten by the one contained in the directory indicated by pax.exam.glassfish.config.dir. |
pax.exam.glassfish.home | file path | 3.0.0 | Hybrid GlassFish | GlassFish installation directory. Corresponds to the root of an unzipped distribution archive. |
pax.exam.jboss.home | file path | 3.0.0 | JBoss | JBoss AS 7 installation directory. Corresponds to the root of an unzipped distribution archive. |
pax.exam.logging | pax-logging | 3.0.0 | Forked | pax-logging: provision Pax Logging along with Pax Exam bundles (default) |
pax.exam.osgi.unresolved.fail | false | 3.0.0 | Forked | Fail the test if one of the provisioned bundles is unresolved. The default is false. |
pax.exam.reactor.strategy | PerSuite | 3.0.0 | Forked | Sets the default reactor strategy to be used when no explicit strategy is defined in the test class. |
pax.exam.service.timeout | duration in ms | 3.0.0 | Forked | default timeout for OSGi service lookup to satisfy @Inject targets |
pax.exam.system | test | 2.4.0 |
| Pax Exam creates a system with an OSGi container, a bundle probe and a standard set of options (compatible with Pax Exam <= 2.3.0). |
pax.exam.system | default | 2.4.0 |
| Pax Exam creates a system with an OSGi container, a bundle probe and no preset options. |
pax.exam.system | javaee | 3.0.0 |
| Pax Exam creates a system with a Java EE container and a WAR probe. |
pax.exam.system | cdi | 3.0.0 |
| Pax Exam creates a system with a CDI container and no probe. |
pax.exam.tomcat.listener | openwebbeans | 3.0.0 | Tomcat | Pax Exam uses OpenWebBeans as CDI provider with Tomcat 7. |
pax.exam.tomcat.listener | weld | 3.0.0 | Tomcat | Pax Exam uses Weld as CDI provider with Tomcat 7. |
pax.exam.wildfly80.* | WildFly 8.x | Proprerties for the WildFly 8.x test container. See corresponding properties named | ||
pax.exam.wildfly90.config.dir | file path | 4.0.0 | WildFly 9.x | Directory with configuration files to be copied to Default: |
pax.exam.wildfly90.config.overwrite | false | 4.0.0 | WildFly 9.x | Should Pax Exam overwrite existing files in Default: false |
pax.exam.wildfly90.dist.url | artifact URL | 4.0.0 | WildFly 9.x | URL of WIldFly distribution ZIP archive. Default: |
pax.exam.wildfly90.modules | list of artifact URLs | 4.0.0 | WildFly 9.x | Comma-separated list of URLs.of additional WildFly modules to be installed. Each URL refers to a zipped module structure which will be unpacked under |
pax.exam.wildfly90.remote.host | hostname | 4.8.0 | WildFly 9.x | Host name of a running WIldFly server. If this is set, Pax Exam will not start an embbeded server (remote mode). Default: none (i.e. embedded mode) |
pax.exam.wildfly90.remote.http.port | port number | 4.8.0 | WildFly 9.x | HTTP port of remote WildFly server. Default: 8080 |
pax.exam.wildfly90.remote.mgmt.port | port number | 4.8.0 | WildFly 9.x | HTTP management port of remote WildFly server. Default: 9990 |
pax.exam.wildfly90.remote.password | 4.8.0 | WildFly 9.x | Password for management connection to remote WildFly server. Default: none | |
pax.exam.wildfly90.remote.username | 4.8.0 | WildFly 9.x | Username for management connection to remote WildFly server. Default: none. | |
pax.exam.wildfly90.system.packages | 4.0.0 | WildFly 9.x | Comma-separated list of package names of JBoss Module loader system packages. Classes from these packages will be loaded from the system class loader. Each comma may be followed by whitespace. Default: | |
pax.exam.wildfly90.system.properties | 4.0.0 | WildFly 9.x | Configuration property for system properties to be loaded before starting WildFly |