Pax URL - 1.2.5

Unknown macro: {zone-template-instance}
Unknown macro: {zone-data}


Unknown macro: {zone-data}

February 4, 2011

Unknown macro: {zone-data}
  • Bugfix release.
Unknown macro: {zone-data}

PAXURL-99 - The webbundle does not allow overriding manifest attributes for bundles, only the webcontext
PAXURL-102 - OSGi-Spec: The Context Path must always begin with a forward slash ( '/')
PAXURL-103 - Generation of Bundle-Classpath should not skipp the last Jar entry
PAXURL-104 - pax-url-war: Remove System.err debug statements
PAXURL-97 - Import-Package: OSGi Spec states that javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http are mandatory
PAXURL-98 - Webcontainer specific jars contained within WEB-INF/lib should be skiped
PAXURL-100 - Improve - Import-Package: OSGi Spec states that javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http are mandatory
PAXURL-101 - webbundle handler should merge manifests

respositories are configured