Start Equinox

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Start Equinox

To start up the highest supported Equinox version use the following:

pax-run --platform=equinox

If you want to start a specific Equinox version use the following:

pax-run --platform=equinox --version=3.2.1

"equinox" can be shortened to just "e" or "eq" as in --platform=e or --p=e.

Supported Equinox versions

  • --version=3.5.0 (release 3.5.0.v20090520) (since Pax Runner 1.0.0)
  • --version=3.4.2 (release 3.4.3.v20081215-1030) (since Pax Runner 0.18.0)
  • --version=3.4.1 (release 3.4.2.v20080826-1230) (since Pax Runner 0.14.0)
  • --version=3.4.0 (release 3.4.0.v20080605-1900) (since Pax Runner 0.12.0)
  • --version=3.3.2 (release 3.3.2.R33x_v20080105) (since Pax Runner 0.9.0)
  • --version=3.3.1 (release 3.3.1.R33x_v20070828) (since Pax Runner 0.5.5)
  • --version=3.3.0 (release 3.3.0.v20070530)
  • --version=3.2.1 (release 3.2.1.R32x_v20060717)

Using snapshot version of Equinox

If you wanna leave on the edge and use the latest snapshot version of Equinox you can do the following:

pax-run --platform=equinox --snapshot

This will start the latest "Stream Stable Build" of Equinox available.
Pax Runner caches the jars it uses so you may run into cases where the latest version of the framework is not really the latest. To avoid that, use the option --overwriteSystemBundles. This option guarantees that the system bundles (=framework itself) will be re-downloaded.
This feature is only available starting with [release 0.18.0 of Pax Runner].